Welcome to Lynnhaven! Whether this is your first year, or you are a seasoned returner, this video series has everything you need to know to get started. Watch to learn more! We recommend you watch them in this order:
- The Basics (Getting to know Lynnhaven)
- The Schedule (Semesters a block schedule and a four day academic week are hallmarks of a Lynnhaven day!)
- Communication (What are the tools for communication and how to use them.)
- Transportation & Inclement Weather (Important basics about all things cars and busses.)
- Attendance (Policy has been updated, key changes are highlighted here.)
- Medication & Code of Conduct (From dress code to medication, important information for parents & students.)
- Clubs & Sports (Brief overview of the afters-chool club and team schedule).
- The Basics (Getting to know Lynnhaven)
- The Schedule (Semesters a block schedule and a four day academic week are hallmarks of a Lynnhaven day!)
- Communication (What are the tools for communication and how to use them.)
- Transportation & Inclement Weather (Important basics about all things cars and busses.)
- Attendance (Policy has been updated, key changes are highlighted here.)
- Medication & Code of Conduct (From dress code to medication, important information for parents & students.)
- Clubs & Sports (Brief overview of the afters-chool club and team schedule).